1·We may have to agree that the noble Lord a nonpareil as a departmental minister.
2·We may have to agree that the noble Lord is not precisely a nonpareil as a departmental minister.
3·By capturing the daughter of the Tammuz-an noble Lord Toda, Ren unwittingly destabilized peace talks between Toda's Outer Territories and Mon Julpa's kingdom.
4·But what were the reasons the noble Lord had never blamed him for violating his instructions, though when he asked for fresh ones the noble Lord did not send them?
5·Rural Junker refers to the noble lord of manor in Prussia, mostly the descendants of the lords of German knights, who conquest the east of the Elbe as their colony.
6·As a knight, he was pledged to protect the weak, to fight for the church, to be loyal to his Lord and to respect women of noble birth.
7·These official Noble Titles make the most fantastic present for the "Lord" or "Lady" in your life!
8·Get yourself an official Noble Title from the Principality of Sealand and become a Lord, Lady, Baron or Baroness!